Thursday, October 25, 2018

Animals in Arabic - Arabic names for common animals

Animals in Arabic

Learning the basics in any language is the first step towards fluency and learning how to say dog or cat in Arabic is elemental for any simple conversation you may encounter. This kinds of lessons are fun and easy to assimilate and will help you later to compose basic Arabic phrases.

In the list below you will find over 30 names for animals translated in Arabic from English, expand your vocabulary and practice your pronunciations.

Learn basic Arabic words for common animals

English                              Arabic                             
animal حيوان / hayawan
ape قرد / qerrd
bear دب / dop
bird طائر / ta'er
bull ثور / thawr
cat قط / qitt
chicken دجاج / dajaj
cow بقرة / baqara
deer غزلان / ghizlan
dinosaur ديناصور / dainasour
dog كلب / kalb
dolphin دولفين / dolpheen
duck بطة / batah
elephant فيل / feel
goat عنزة / anza
gorilla غوريلا / ghourilla
horse حصان / hisan
lion أسد / asad
lizard سحلية / sihlya
mammal ثديي / thadyy
monkey قرد / qirrd
mouse فأر / fa'r
octopus أخطبوط / okhtuboot
orca اوركا / orka
owl بومة / pumah
pig خنزير / khinzir
puppy جرو / jarw
rooster ديك / deek
salmon سلمون / salamown
shark قرش / qirsh
snake ثعبان / thoebaan
tiger نمر / nemr
tuna تونة / tuna
whale حوت / hout

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Arabic, we recommend you bookmark or write down the animal names in Arabic listed above. If you want to improve your Arabic vocabulary further, start learning Arabic using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

Start learning other basics Arabic words with Mondly Languages:

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Colors in Portuguese

Colors in Portuguese

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the colors. Together with the days of the week, months of the year and numbers make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the colors in Portuguese represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Colors in Portuguese: English to Portuguese translation

English                              Portuguese                             
black preto
blue azul
brown marrom
colour cor
cyan ciano
green verde
grey cinza
orange laranja
pink rosa
red vermelho
violet violeta
white branco
yellow amarelo

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Portuguese, we recommend you bookmark or write down the colors in Portuguese listed on this page. If you want to improve your Portuguese vocabulary further, start learning Portuguese using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.
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Monday, October 22, 2018

Animals in German - German names for common animals

Animals in German

Learning the basics in any language is the first step towards fluency and learning how to say dog or cat in German is elemental for any simple conversation you may encounter. This kinds of lessons are fun and easy to assimilate and will help you later to compose basic German phrases.

In the list below you will find over 30 names for animals translated in German from English, expand your vocabulary and practice your pronunciations.

Learn basic German words for common animals

English                              German                             
animal Tier
ape Affe
bear Bär
bird Vogel
bull Stier
cat Katze
chicken Huhn
cow Kuh
deer Hirsch
dinosaur Dinosaurier
dog Hund
dolphin Delfin
duck Ente
elephant Elefant
goat Ziege
gorilla Gorilla
horse Pferd
lion Löwe
lizard Eidechse
mammal Säugetier
monkey Affe
mouse Maus
octopus Krake
orca Killerwal
owl Eule
pig Schwein
puppy Welpe
rooster Hahn
salmon Lachs
shark Hai
snake Schlange
tiger Tiger
tuna Thunfisch
whale Wal

If you are an absolute beginner in learning German, we recommend you bookmark or write down the animal names in German listed above. If you want to improve your German vocabulary further, start learning German using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

Start learning other basics German words with Mondly Languages:

learn Animals in German

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Friday, October 19, 2018

Colors in Italian

Colors in Italian

One of the essential words in any vocabulary are the colors. Together with the days of the week, months of the year and numbers make up the building blocks of learning any new language. Learning the colors in Italian represent the first steps towards achieving the beginner level. Repeat and practice the translations from English until you assimilate them by heart.

Colors in Italian: English to Italian translation

English                              Italian                             
black nero
blue blu
brown marrone
colour colore
cyan ciano
green verde
grey grigio
orange arancione
pink rosa
red rosso
violet viola
white bianco
yellow giallo

If you are an absolute beginner in learning Italian, we recommend you bookmark or write down the colors in Italian listed on this page. If you want to improve your Italian vocabulary further, start learning Italian using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.
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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Animals in French - French names for common animals

Animals in French

Learning the basics in any language is the first step towards fluency and learning how to say dog or cat in French is elemental for any simple conversation you may encounter. This kinds of lessons are fun and easy to assimilate and will help you later to compose basic French phrases.

In the list below you will find over 30 names for animals translated in French from English, expand your vocabulary and practice your pronunciations.

Learn basic French words for common animals

English                              French                             
animal animal
ape singe
bear ours
bird oiseau
bull taureau
cat chat
chicken poule
cow vache
deer cerf
dinosaur dinosaure
dog chien
dolphin dauphin
duck canard
elephant éléphant
goat chèvre
gorilla gorille
horse cheval
lion lion
lizard lézard
mammal mammifère
monkey singe
mouse souris
octopus pieuvre
orca orque
owl hibou
pig cochon
puppy chiot
rooster coq
salmon saumon
shark requin
snake serpent
tiger tigre
tuna thon
whale baleine

If you are an absolute beginner in learning French, we recommend you bookmark or write down the animal names in French listed above. If you want to improve your French vocabulary further, start learning French using a professional language learning platform available both as a web-app but also that can be installed on your mobile device.

Start learning other basics French words with Mondly Languages:

learn Animals in French

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